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What is AmpChart?AmpChart is a software tool that creates blank claim charts in Word from your Word claims files.
What types of input files can I use for AmpChart?AmpChart should work on with most, but not all Word files. For example, it should work to claim chart claims from within most Word versions of patent applications. Furthermore, AmpChart should work with most input U.S. patent numbers (e.g., "US9,100,100"). With respect to published PCT applications, AmpChart gives some correct output charts, but is not consistently reliable. If you do not get reliable results with a PCT publication number, copy the claims from the PCT into a Word document and run AmpChart for reliable results. Please carefully check any AmpChart claim chart outputs for accuracy before relying on them to produce work product.
How do I enter a patent publication number into AmpChart?To enter a patent publication number, click on the "Enter Patent Numbers" tab and an input box will appear. For a U.S. patent number, you can enter the number with our without "US" and with or without commas. For PCT patent publications, AmpChart works best if you omit any kind codes. For EP patent publications, the current version of AmpChart (v1.1.7) will never include claim numbers and is hit or miss with charting claims.
What types of patent publications entered from publications, does AmpChart support?"Currently, AmpChart should work with most input U.S. patent numbers (e.g., "US9,100,100"). With respect to published PCT applications, AmpChart gives some correct output charts, but is not consistently reliable. If you do not get reliable results with a PCT publication number, copy the claims from the PCT into a Word document and run AmpChart for reliable results. Please carefully check any AmpChart claim chart outputs for accuracy before relying on them to produce work product.
What are my login credentials for the Amp programs?Your login credentials are the same credentials that you used to register on
Does AmpSumm handle mixed-type (also called hybrid) claim types?AmpSumm handles SOME mixed-type/hybrid claims, depending on the exact wording used. You can check if AmpSumm had an issue processing mixed-type/hybrid claims by searching for the word "claim" in the Summary output, which should NOT appear in your Summary output unless you included the word "claim" in your user defined fields. If you want to learn more about this issue, please contact us.
How do I know if AmpSumm correctly generated Summary sentences from my claims?Although AmpSumm generates Summary sentences from the vast majority of claims properly, because of the many variations in claim drafting style, AmpSumm does not handle all claims properly. We recommend that after you run AmpSumm, you search the output Summary sentences for the word "claim". The word "claim" should NOT appear in any output Summary sentence. Thus, if the word "claim" appears in AmpSumm output, that claim was not converted to a Summary sentence properly by AmpSumm. Please correct that sentence manually. We would appreciate if you provided a comment to us using the Contact Us form, about this claim, so that we can address its claim style in a future AmpSumm update.
Unable to log in to Amp Software?Please Verify that your login credentials are the same as the login for the Amp Expedite Website. Verify that you have the latest version of AmpSoftware installed as well. Contact us below for troubleshooting if the problem further persists.
How do I uninstall AmpSoftware?You can either: 1. Run the .exe that you used to install the software, and select the uninstall option. 2. Open up the control panel in your computers start menu -> Programs -> find the AmpSoftware -> Click uninstall.
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